
Vindo de origem humilde no Rio de Janeiro, o ORUÃ furou bolhas bairristas nacionais e internacionais. Foi formado no Centro do Rio em sessões de improvisação no Escritório, espaço místico de gravações e shows. Entre 2016 e 2019 lançaram dois discos “Sem Benção / Sem Crença” (2016), “Romã” (2019) e o EP “Tudo Posso” (2019) e excursionaram por muitas cidades tanto no Brasil como fora. Durante a segunda tour em 2019 pelos Estados Unidos gravaram uma session na renomada emissora KEXP.
Após a pandemia, o conjunto lançou “Íngreme”, seu terceiro disco, simbolizando uma nova fase com elementos de sampler e jazz. Lê Almeida, João Casaes, Bigú Medine e Karin Santa Rosa fizeram aproximadamente 120 shows entre 2022 e 2023 nos Estados Unidos e Europa, atravessando mais de dez países. O último show internacional aconteceu em Helsinki na Finlândia no festival We Jazz, talvez o país mais distante que o ORUÃ já esteve.
2024 marca uma renovação no espírito do conjunto, Phill Fernandes está de volta tocando bateria no lugar da Karin (que continua sendo nossa irmã de som e alma e está se dedicando a outros projetos). O novo disco intitulado “PASSE” está sendo finalizado no Rio durante o verão reunindo gravações feitas em 3 países diferentes durante as últimas tours.
Foto por Pan Alves
Hailing from humble beginnings in Rio de Janeiro, ORUÃ has broken through national and international neighborhood bubbles. It was formed in the center of Rio in improvisation sessions at the Escritório, a mystical space for recordings and concerts. Between 2016 and 2019 they released two albums “Sem Benção / Sem Crença” (2016), “Romã” (2019) and the EP “Tudo Posso” (2019) and toured many cities both in Brazil and abroad. During their second tour in 2019 in the United States, they recorded a session at the renowned radio station KEXP.
After the pandemic, the group released “Íngreme”, their third album, symbolizing a new phase with samples and jazz elements. Lê Almeida, João Casaes, Bigú Medine and Karin Santa Rosa played approximately 120 shows between 2022 and 2023 in the United States and Europe, crossing more than ten countries. The last international show took place in Helsinki, Finland, at the We Jazz festival, perhaps the furthest ORUÃ has ever traveled.
2024 marks a renewal of the band’s spirit, with Phill Fernandes returning to play drums in place of Karin (who remains our sound and soul sister and is dedicating herself to other projects). The new album entitled “PASSE” is being finalized in Rio during the summer, bringing together recordings made in 3 different countries during the last tours.
Photo by Pan Alves
“Íngreme is an eclectic mix of songs that feature sample-like interludes alongside Black Sabbath-like riffs….for those interested in modern-day krautrock, jazz or psychedelic music, and offers some hidden gems of guitar playing throughout its 45 minutes”
“lineup featuring Lê Almeida and João Casaes of the Brazilian jazz-rock band Oruã. Those temporary bandmates also assisted Martsch with mixing the album, and the record’s reedy tones, conspicuous overdubs, and psychedelic patina give it a very different…”